Saturday, December 19, 2020

An Offering

She just wants

To be respected

For the profound passion she holds.


There is a lion inside,

Full of pride and innate serenity.

Sitting and waiting

Listening for the call

To stand up for reverence and truth.


Solar spirit brews.

Her fire sparks.


There has been pain and anger,

But the lioness is unrelenting.

She’s ready to fight for what is right.


Be still. Go in.

She’s fanning an internal flame.


She just wants

To create

A world of deep feelings and profound beauty.


There is a swan inside,

Full of grace and stubborn authenticity.

Traversing the deep,

Feeling for the call

To respond to saturated emotions.


Moonlit hope emanates.

Her waters sparkle.


There has been sadness and fear,

But the swan is releasing.

She’s preparing to speak for the suffering.


Be still. Go in.

She’s painting an offering of eternal love.























Photo by Jedidiah Piper