Your radiance is like sunshine bloomed rose
Sweetness wrapped in mauve,
Glowing of natural morning dew, even upon the evening.
Authentically uncalculated in approach
Your voice a melodic whisper
Communicating curiosity and wonder.
I gaze into your eyes for hours
Pulled deeper and deeper into the rabbit hole
Of untamed questions and musings,
Honey heavy on our lips.
We watch the sunset together
And though it’s far too cold, we commit to the feeling.
Seeking maps to our own internal saunas.
Cotton candy skies whisper to me,
“Be free and notice the sweetness.”
Surrounded by perfume scented earth,
We are in anew,
Grounded and awake.
I fantasize that no one else is around
For this moment is ours.
Together we exchange seeds of thought
And I am gifted a remembrance
Simple and succinct
To slow down and be here now.
How easy this is to forget.
Hummingbird thoughts flicker throughout my mind
As my butterfly center dances
And teeth chitter chatter.
The words won’t come out quite right, but that’s okay.
I listen intently to your wavering words and breath easy
For it’s not just me.
The ever-changing sky draws a pink bridge
Hovering above us as we shiver
At our rose garden island.
I meld into the moment and notice the moon
Reflected too in your eyes.
Now I see.
Now we contemplate archetypes, time, and to be
In a daze of symphonic melancholy
And sustained enchantment.
We are saturated in starlight
Existing in untethered love
Partaking in our own communing sacrament.
Our velvety vehicle to the vast above.
I forget all the rest and welcome profound stillness.